HaftaRun - Health
How Hostile Are You?
Three aspects of hostility can harm your health: anger, aggression and cynicism. Ask yourself the following questions to guage whether negative emotions are putting your heart at risk. On a piece of paper record how many apply to you.
When you are stuck in a traffic jam, do you quickly start to feel irritated and annoyed?
- When someone treats you unfairly, are you apt to think about it for hours?
- When you remember something that made you mad, do you feel angry all over again?
- If a friend or coworker disagrees with you, are you likely to get into an arguement about it?
- Do you often use profanity when you are arguing with a friend or relative?
- If another driver butts in front ofyou in traffic, do you flash your lights and honk your horn?
- In the express line at the store, do you check whether anyone has too many items?
- When you're a passenger in a car, do you try to stay alert for obstacles ahead?
- If there's an important job to be done, do you prefer to do it yourself?
If three or fewer apply to you, hostility probably isn't a big problem for you; between four and six, you may be putting your heart at risk; seven or more and your hostility is in the danger zone. Its time to start practicing those mind-body techniques or talking to your doctor to find out how you can help your self.

Four Ways to Manipulate Your Mind Set
- Meditation: Transcendental meditation os an ancient Indian practice that involves learning a special sound, or mantra, to achieve a state of "restful alertness." Researchers have shown that TM can elicit a variety of beneficial changes including a slowing of heart and breathing rates.
- Biofeedback: Biofeedback uses electronic equipment that monitors a patients physiological functions and translates them into sounds or video images. A trainer then teaches the patient to control these functions with conscious thought, often using relaxation techniques.
- Yoga: Some experts say this 3,000 year old Indian practice is the earliest known mind-body system designed to heighten awareness and promote healing. There are many types of yoga, but most involve deep breathing and a sequence of poses that encourage flexibility, strength and balance.
- Cognitive Restructuring: Rooted in the belief that stress arises from negative thinking pattern, cognitive restructuring involves substituting positive thoughts for negative ones.